Monday, 11 February 2013


Hi everyone!

I'm new to the blogging world and am so, so excited to start! I've literally been saying for months that I was going to start up a blog but with endless university assignments, and just generally being an "I'll do it tomorrow" kind'a gal, I just never got around to it. In being an avid follower of blogs such as, What Olivia Did and LoveLifeLoveStyle by the lovely Akesha, I instantly became inspired to finally take the plunge into the scary world of blogging, so a big, huge thanks to you both!

RIGHT. SO, after hours and hours of trying to come up with a witty, generally cool fashion-y related blog title, I unfortunately was drawing a blank time and time again and instead ended up with a scrap page of scribbles. Enters self titled blog. Can't go wrong with your name, right? (she hopes).

promise to update regularly with fashion finds and general fashion and lifestyle related posts, along with some posts including exciting internships and work experience placements, including one at a certain event you may of heard of, London Fashion Week anyone? Oh, and occasional ramblings, because we all love those kind of posts, eh? 

Enjoy! xo 


  1. Hello my lovely! So sweet of you to mention me :)

    Cannot wait to see your impeccable style captured in a blog <3 xx

  2. Of course!! Thank you lovely, so excited to start!xxxx
